Core Publishing Solutions Joins Printing Industry Midwest’s Paper Drive to Support Minnesota Teachers
In a heartwarming event, Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) recently hosted its 45th Annual Paper Drive, a not-for-profit initiative aimed at supporting Minnesota teachers and schools. Core Publishing Solutions, along with several other generous companies, played a vital role in making this event a resounding success. Let’s dive into the details of this remarkable effort and how Core Publishing Solutions made a difference.
Supporting Minnesota Teachers:
Minnesota teachers often face the challenge of providing essential classroom supplies with minimal budgets, some as low as ninety cents to one dollar and fifty cents per student. Recognizing the burden teachers bear, PIM, in collaboration with its partner Lindenmeyr Munroe, has been providing free paper to educators for forty-five years. The annual Paper Drive enlists the help of printing and associate members to donate surplus paper, including various types like copier paper, large format, foam core, envelopes, and more.
The Role of Core Publishing Solutions:
This year, Core Publishing Solutions joined hands with PIM and Lindenmeyr Munroe to support the cause. They donated surplus paper, helping alleviate the challenges faced by teachers. Their contribution, along with several other companies, welcomed over 350 teachers with thousands of pounds of donated paper. This support is invaluable, as many teachers have been forced to travel long distances to attend the event, highlighting the dire need for such assistance.
Teachers’ Dedication:
During the event, teachers made the most of the opportunity to collect paper for their classrooms. They brought family members to help carry the donated paper, filling cars, vans, trucks, and even U-Hauls to ensure their students have access to necessary educational materials. This level of dedication shows just how essential these donations are to Minnesota teachers and students.
A Community Effort:
The 2023 PIM Paper Drive was made possible by the collective efforts of various companies, including Core Publishing Solutions, Anchor Paper Company, Canon Solutions America, CGS ORIS | Americas, ENPOINTE, Graphic Design Inc., Ideal Printers Inc., IWCO, Japs-Olson Company, Midland Paper Packaging & Supplies, Modernistic Inc, Pioneer Paper Stock Co., Royal Business Forms & Printing, and Thomson Reuters Core Publishing Solutions.
A Saving Grace for Schools:
The donations from these companies are not just paper; they are saving school programs and supplying entire schools with essential paper products. The initiative is set to continue in the years to come, ensuring that teachers and students across the state receive the support they need. For teachers in need of paper, it’s essential to monitor PIM’s website ( for updates on future Paper Drive events. Printers are encouraged to save their surplus paper, in any size and color, for future drives.
The Printing Industry Midwest’s 45th Annual Paper Drive is a testament to the impact a community can make when they come together to support a vital cause. Core Publishing Solutions, along with other generous companies, has made a significant contribution to improving the educational experience for Minnesota teachers and students. This annual event not only provides paper but also underscores the importance of collaboration and community support in addressing educational challenges.